January 2021

The easily-predicted GOP crash

Easily the most frustrating thing about the last 35 years for me is that I’ve been telling anyone who would listen that if the Republican Party insists on having the worst marketing department in the history of marketing, it won’t be long until their brand, and the party, are destroyed. I’ve sat, at length, with Reince Priebus, Newt Gingrich, Jim Sensenbrenner, Todd Herman, Kirby Wilbur, and other prominent Republican leaders and offered my assistance. For various reasons, none of them took me seriously. None of them wanted the help. In conservatism, the Republican Party has been sitting on the…

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Until there are consequences

If you want to understand the path we’re on and the corresponding resolution, look no further than this video, taken this past weekend in San Diego: This should look familiar to many. Antifa/BLM have been engaging in some form of this daily for the past seven months. Mobs of men and women, clad in all black with military gear, confront people in their cars, sitting on benches, eating at outdoor restaurants, or just occupying space. For seven months, this has been allowed to go on, without police or military intervention. And it will continue because there have yet to…

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Priorities: a 2021 to-do list

For conservatives, and therefore, the country, there’s a lot of work to be done to get the United States back on track to being a functioning republic. But there are two that far outweigh the rest: We must restore election integrity We have to destroy the current corporate, foreign-owned, mainstream media complex Without election integrity, nothing else matters. By and large, conservatives don’t protest. They don’t riot, harass, bully, or vandalize. What they do is engage in the established civic process and then wait to vote. If voting becomes meaningless and can’t be trusted, conservatives won’t just stop and…

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The racism of race

Yesterday, I stubbed my toe on the bedroom door. Fortunately, I’m white. If I had been black, that stubbed toe would have been a severed foot and a torn ACL. These are the kinds of thoughts I have every day when bad things happen to me. Like if I spill a drink or get a grass stain on a shirt. I think about how much worse that would have been were I black. You see, because I’m a racist. Just like Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. We’re all racists. Yesterday, after the dust settled, Joe Biden spoke and…

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Win the next election

As conservative leadership tried to condemn and calm the unrest at the nation’s capitol during the January 6 election certification, easily the most useless refrain heard was “focus on the next election.” If you accept the premise and believe the evidence that there was widespread voter fraud that flipped the outcome of the 2020 election, why in the world would you believe you can win the next election? Or any other election, ever again? “It can’t happen here,” is a habitual principle that U.S. citizens tend to believe. Even with all the third world elections in which dictators win…

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War is the answer

Back during President Bush’s invasion of Iraq after 9/11, signs popped up all over that said “War is not the answer.” My response, which I wrote about at the time, was the same then as it is now: “No, war is the ultimate answer.” War is how things end. War is the absolute determinant. When people can’t work things out, or legal means are exhausted, war is how properly motivated people who are that frustrated and either lacking a moral compass (if starting the war) or driven by one (if answering the call) will ultimately solve their problems. Today…

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Appreciating our immigrants

If you’ve ever moved from one state or city to another, or even from one apartment to another, you know what a fairly large undertaking it is. Consider if you were deciding whether or not to leave your home country for another. Those who live in poverty, socialism, communism, or a country rife with government corruption undertake a huge decision and effort when deciding to flee for the United States. There’s been an ongoing debate about immigration – legal and illegal – and how to handle people coming to this country. There are many strong opinions, and one could…

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The cause is eternal

As we head into the Georgia Senate runoff elections and the January 6th objections to the electoral certification, I think it’s critical that everyone remember this reality: President Trump is temporary. The conservative cause is eternal. Listening to many diehard Trump supporters over the last few years – and there are many, to be sure – I was sometimes concerned that we had crossed over a bit into a cult of personality. President Trump did an amazing thing by waking up many Americans who had otherwise felt, rightfully so, disenfranchised from the political process, as well as elected and…

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Talking about race is racist

Talking about black people as if they’re just people is racist. Treating black people as you would treat anyone else is racist. To expect black people to live and breath and act like everyone else is racist. To judge a black person by the content of their character is racist. To talk about a black person and not mention they are black is racist. To see a black person and not pity them is racist. To think of a black person as anything more than helpless is racist. To acknowledge the accomplishments of a black person is racist (unless…

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2021: All hell breaks loose

I’m starting to get the sense that it hasn’t occurred to everyone sharing their relief that 2020 is behind us that 2021 could be much, much worse. In fact, in a few short weeks, I suspect that all hell is going to break loose, and it won’t stop any time soon. On January 20th, either Donald Trump or Joe Biden will be inaugurated. (I write this allowing for the possibility that neither may be inaugurated…) If Biden is inaugurated, we’re going to find out if Trump supporters have finally been pushed to the limit. They’ve taken great pride in…

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