April 2021

If you can’t beat ’em…

What would happen if conservatives simply decided to join Antifa. Sure, the whole destruction, assault and battery, and getting in everyone’s faces things is pretty opposed to what most conservatives believe, but the ultimate target of Antifa isn’t far off. Antifa is after the powerful. Sometimes they get mixed in with Black Lives Matter activists, and that makes them seem pretty pro-communism. But if their really going to own their name – Anti-fascism – then how about conservatives join the movement, in mass numbers, and make them truly own it. Why don’t conservatives, who are also anti-fascism, join the…

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The myth of the federal government

Thanks to poor (or sinister) leftist public school education, we’ve finally reached the tipping point when the majority of this country’s citizens no longer have a proper understanding of what the federal government truly is. Too many believe that we were all meant to be governed by the federal government. That the federal government was meant to enact laws, or sign dictatorial executive orders, that would apply to all of us. That’s not how it’s supposed to work. In our republic, the states were intended to have the bulk of the power. State’s rights. This is the idea that…

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If I were Dr. Fauci

It’s a good thing that I’m not Dr. Fauci. I’m way too fascinated with the human psyche. If I were Dr. Fauci, I’d keep making stuff up and seeing just how far I could push people. I’d come up with all of these random edicts and rules, just to see what I could make people do. I probably wouldn’t even have to support my contentions or share any scientific rationale. But if I did, I think that would be even more fun. I’d just see how absurd of a claim I could make. I’d say things that run counter…

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Grammarly nation

Every day, the race to digitize ourselves just picks up steam. A commercial for Grammarly, the writing assistant program, just caught my eye. It’s just one person after another talking about their inability to write a coherent email, paper, or note, and how without Grammarly downloaded on their machine, correcting all of their mistakes as they made them, they’d be lost. People don’t know phone numbers. They don’t learn history. They can’t do math. And they certainly can’t write (despite, ironically, all of the texting they do to each other). Why would anyone learn all those things when we…

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You don’t put people to work

Joe Biden and pro-government elitists often use the phrase “putting people to work.” The problem is, you don’t put people to work. You don’t make them work. It’s not like they’re just out there waiting for someone to tell them what to do. In America, people go to work. They self-motivate. They get up out of the chair and get to work. They get busy. They move. They make things happen. They create. They generate. They motivate. Americans create jobs and opportunities, and when they’re successful, more jobs are created. And if others want those jobs, they step up,…

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Criminals risk their lives

Being a criminal is a tough gig. When criminals leave the house in the morning, they kiss their families good bye and pray that they will make it home safe that night. Being a criminal is a choice only the few… the brave… make in our society. It’s not everyone who can waive their God-given rights and put themselves out there to face whatever consequences may result from their actions. Criminals have no guarantee that when they’re called to duty that they’re going to make it out unharmed or alive. The day is full of unexpected situations, and they…

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LGBTQ Day of Silence

Today is the LGBTQ Day of Silence. That means for just one day this year, the LGBTQ movement is going to shut the hell up and allow us all a day of peace where we can all go about our business without having to be angry about one group’s grievances. We can all treat each other with the normal respect we do, without having to worry about someone being offended, misinterpreting something they hear, or enduring some perceived slight from an unknowing fellow citizen. It’s the one day a year where nothing remotely, tangentially related to the LGBTQ movement…

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Writers aren’t copywriters

This one’s a little marketing specific, but I had to take a minute. Everybody thinks they’re a writer. Most people are not. I edit a fair amount of work, and it’s pretty impressive just how poorly most people write. That’s OK. Writing, like most things, is a skill. Some are better at it than others. Like with most requirements in life, we often make the mistake of thinking because we learned to do it at an early age and have been doing it our entire lives, that we can do it as well as anyone else. But in fact,…

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Socialism vs capitalism

Socialism lends itself to the worst temptations of man by encouraging gain at other people’s expense. Capitalism understands that men are not angels and builds in safeguards and peer pressure to prevent them from ruling over others. They’re complicated philosophies… but not that complicated.

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Who would you like to meet in Heaven?

Papa von Higgenbotham and I were recently talking about death, and I asked him who would he look forward to meeting in Heaven? I was curious if he would talk about departed family members or perhaps more historical figures. It was neither. Instead, he answered: “You know, Ruben… there are billions of dead who have died and gone to Heaven. What are the chances that I would even run into anyone I know, much less someone famous?” This is a perspective I’ve never heard. Who thinks of Heaven as a busy city with hustle and bustle, where the only…

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