I once read an online article in the news that told of a male porn star who, feeling wronged in his line of work, took a machete and killed some co-workers. This was the first comment someone had posted on the article: “[paraphrasing] Our first moves need to be to lock away all porn stars and ban the sale of machetes.” In one sentence, this person had completely summed up an aspect of liberalism – the constant, and very unrealistic, pursuit of making sure everyone has a life in which nothing bad ever happens and where there is a…
The problem with unisex public restrooms
Public, unisex restrooms are just like your restroom at home. For men, there’s only one difference. For men, using public restrooms is like going to an amusement park. Instead of having to lift the toilet seat and touch everything, men can walk right up to the urinal stall, not touch anything, and do their business. But with the move to unisex restrooms, it’s a step backward for men. Now, instead of not having to touch anything, you have to lift the seat, use the toilet, and then touch the seat again to put it back down. It’s the worst…
Here’s the thing about private conversations
During this impeachment process, much has been made about President Trump’s “private conversations.” Democrats like to talk about these private conversations as crimes, equating his alleged statements with actions. The problem is, it’s unrealistic and doesn’t hold up. Consider everything you’ve ever said to yourself or a confidant in a private setting. My conversations with my closest friends is where I do some of my best idea vetting. And to get to the best ideas, you have to put forth some pretty bad ones. And in the process of putting forth some bad ones, you sometimes say some things…
Racism: a pet peeve
If you’re a person who hates being told something you already know, like you’ve never thought of it before… …then people who constantly talk about racism, or accuse everyone of being racist, like racism is a new fad, must be getting pretty old for you.
Debate tips (for when you don’t have any ideas of substance)
When I engage in political conversations with people who disagree with me – whether in person or on Internet comment boards – I often don’t get rebuttals that directly address my point. Too often, when I saw or heard criticism of Obama, the response went right to either “Well, Bush got us into this” or “Bush’s policies led to that.” The implication was that if you have an issue with one of Obama’s policies, you must have been a Bush supporter – which is irrelevant. It’s time people realize that it’s possible, and often the case, that the people…
Optimists (O) and Pessimists (P)
Perhaps, instead of Republicans (R) and Democrats (D), our party names should be the Optimists (O) and the Pessimists (P). Republicans believe in the greatness of the individual, and consequently, the nation, while Democrats think people can’t possibly make it themselves and need the Democrat Party. Republicans think people are inherently good and helpful. Democrats think people are bad and will stick it to you every chance they get. Republicans believe our best days are ahead of us. Democrats think they never got here. Republicans, understanding that people are inherently flawed, will constantly strive to improve and reach their…
Russia is winning
According to Democrats, the impeachment of President Trump is all about protecting our democracy and elections from outside interference (from the Russians, in this case). (Let’s not get distracted by the idea that Democrats found anything about America’s political system worth protecting.) The contention is that the 2016 election suffered from Russian tampering that was done in collusion with candidate Trump. Nevermind that after $25 million and no evidence to support the contention, Democrats will continue to investigate Trump until he’s impeached. The irony is that it is Democrats who are tampering, retroactively, with the 2016 election by spending…
A healthy fear of government
The economic collapse of 2008 was driven largely by the lending practices – making loans to people who can’t pay them back – supported by Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. They were great supporters of the Community Reinvestment Act signed into law under President Carter and reawakened under the Clinton administration. The goal of the law was to create means for lower income individuals to own homes – which, as it turns out, flew in the face of the laws of economics. If you can’t afford something and you borrow money to purchase it, you’re going to be in…
Conservatives and the Constitution
Conservatives believe in the Constitution. They believe it is one of the most important documents ever created. If liberal politicians believed in the Constitution – as conservatives do – then you might hear them mention it now and again. Conservatives use it as a filter for nearly every idea, proposal or policy they hear about. The Constitution is a unique document because it lays out a list of things that the government can’t do. The government can’t take away your right to pursue your own happiness. The government cannot take away your freedom. It can’t remove your right to…
A podcast for those who don’t care
We’ve got more than enough resources for people trying to learn all of the new technology tools available to us. There are more than enough podcasts, LinkedIn articles, and how-to videos to teach those with an insatiable thirst for knowledge about all the latest business tools, coding languages, and tech skills. But what about for those who don’t care about their company? There’s an underserved market in America. Those are the people with immense talent who’d rather put their time and energy into their personal lives and not try to spend 14 hours per day trying to be successful…