February 2021

Sunday digest: 2-28-21

Thank you for giving us some of your valuable time to read The Bubbler. The Bubbler now contains 700 thought-provoking posts about conservatism. While there are hundreds of sites that report or comment on the news from a conservative perspective, this is the only place the explores who conservatives are, what they think, and why they think it. We also focus on marketing conservatism and how unfortunately bad conservatives are at doing that. We aim to help by inspiring new marketing ideas and themes that would resonate with a majority of Americans. With so much great content that may…

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As long as you’re thinking

Today, I changed The Bubbler site subhead from “I don’t care what you think, as long as you’re thinking,” to “More than 700 timeless posts on conservative thinking.” That’s right, I hit the 700 post mark today, and I couldn’t be more excited. While I’ve been writing this for nearly three years, the ideas captured in The Bubbler have been developing and brewing for more than 30 years. While there are many sites dedicated to conservative reactions to the news and issues of the day, I thought there was a gaping hole regarding conservative thought. Conservatives often assume their…

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CPAC: Marketing? What marketing?

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is happening this weekend in Florida, and as usual, it’s a who’s who of Republicans and conservatives. Even Donald Trump will be speaking. As I was regretting my inability to attend, I was looking at the conference session agenda, and not at all surprised to learn that there was not one session on marketing. Not. One. I guess, you could argue for two possibilities: Front Porch Politics: How to talk about issues without starting a back alley brawl, featuring Scott Presler (who’s out there doing the hard work and making things happen) Red…

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Parenting is the answer

In response to observations or complaints about the amount of critical race theory, transgenderism, and sex education being taught in our public schools, many conservatives will say: “Take them out of public schools and homeschool them.” Easier said than done. Especially if your child is hip deep in extracurricular activities with good friends. Even those who start off homeschooling, they still have to find outlets for sports, music instruction, clubs, and other activities that provide their child an opportunity to meet, work, and play with other children. But even if you did take your child out of public schools,…

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OK, let’s just say racism is rampant

If racism were as rampant as Democrat politicians, school districts, and leftist cultural icons are telling everyone it is, then doesn’t that make the millions of significant accomplishments by black Americans just that much more impressive. If all of our systems are built specifically to hold back black people, and white supremacists are running wild, populating companies and institutions across the country, does that mean the tales of successful black Americans are extraordinary and worth telling. Doesn’t that make those people heroes to be emulated? Barack Obama was elected President not once, but twice. Oprah Winfrey has held an…

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Have we over-corrected?

Given the historical nature of the subzero cold we’ve experienced across the United States over the past few weeks, one has to wonder: Have we over-corrected? A few decades ago, when it was still called “global warming,” we were convinced we only had 5, 10, 12, 18, 25, or 32 years (depending on who was doing the predicting) to get it corrected before the ice caps melted and the world was flooded. The path to solving this problem was to stop using hairspray, stop driving Hummers, start driving a Prius, stop using freon, eat organic foods, install solar panels…

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Proactively afraid

When I was a teenager, my Dad told me this story one night when he arrived home from work. That morning, his boss arrived at work in his downtown Dallas headquarters to find there was scaffolding along the front of the building. “Why is this scaffolding here?” he asked one of the workers. “Oh, no,” the worker thought, “The President wants the scaffolding gone.” That same day, the President walked out of the building at lunch to find the scaffolding had all been torn down. “Where did the scaffolding go?” he asked a worker. “Oh, no,” the worker thought, “he…

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Give people the information they need

Twice in the last week, I found myself in a position where I had information that was not going to be received well by another. In each case, I had to make the decision to either tell them, which would almost certainly make them angry, or hold on to the information and spare them the anger and distraction. In each case, I ended up telling them. Before I told them, I had this very conversation with them. Would you rather I tell you something that is going to anger you, but give you information that will potentially allow you…

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Conservatism: a movement without a leader

President Trump did more for marketing the conservative movement in four years than the Republican Party has done in the last 50 years. And he didn’t even know he was doing it. To my knowledge, President Trump has never considered himself a leader of the conservative movement. Based on listening to hundreds of hours of his speeches, I’m not really sure he even understands the philosophy. More specifically, I think his actions are rooted in conservatism, and I think the things he talks about are conservative points of view, but he does it with a lack of awareness that…

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“Cisgender,” another word for “normal”

I was just reading about a study from 2018, conducted by two Canadian researchers, who spoke to 1000 “cisgender” people about who they’d be willing to date: options including “cisgender” men, “cisgender” women, trans men, trans women, genderqueer, and any of the other 703,503,243 genders that we’ve invented. According to some lazy (read: Wikipedia) research, the word “cisgender” originated from some research work done in 1991 about transsexuals. One definition from the Dictionary from Oxford Languages states “cisgender” means “denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex.” In other…

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