A few days ago, the principal at my daughter’s school emailed everyone the sad news that one of the area high school students committed suicide. I’m not aware of the details, so I’m not going to speculate on the specifics. But it was a grim reminder on the absolutely tragic effects the lockdowns have had on kids, families, business owners, and everyone. While we’ve all been working overtime to avoid COVID, we’re walking headlong into suicide, depression, alcohol and drug abuse, loneliness, stress, domestic abuse, and a litany of undiagnosed illnesses that will kill some people. All of these…
The irony of the “fascist” definition
Democrats have always labeled conservatives as “fascists.” There’s nothing new there. I mean, they are the Party of Projection, after all. And conservatives have always been irritated by the complete misrepresentation of the word. By any definition of the word, fascism runs completely counter to the small government, individual freedom, capitalist style of government conservatives have been advocating for decades. Here are some definitions: “…stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition” – Merriam Webster “…they had many characteristics in common, including extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt…
Conservatism’s greatest marketing challenge
Conservatives are the worst marketers on the planet. I don’t think anyone would debate that. Thus, they’ve got a lot of messaging and marketing challenges ahead of them if they’re going to save this Republic. Among the challenges is: Convincing the public they’re not racist, homophobic, sexist, bigots Convincing Trump supporters that conservatism and MAGA are one-in-the-same Convincing conservatives that this time, they can really take over the GOP Articulating what they really stand for, aggressively and credibly, to the public Defining Democrats to the general public so people can see them for the socialist fascists they really are…
Break the teacher’s union
There are still millions of children around the country who haven’t seen the inside of the school since March of 2020, despite the nearly zero chance of fatality from COVID. Sure, there are two sides of this: student health and teacher/staff health. As usual with a union set up, it’s all or nothing. Despite the number of teachers who want to be in the classroom teaching, and I know some of them personally, the union leadership is holding our students hostage. The union is refusing to return to work until their safety is guaranteed (which, as an aside, can…
The conspiracy theory conspiracy
Democrats are always clear and deliberate in their branding of conservatives. They know all Democrats will loyally follow the marching orders, the media and pop culture will dutifully follow suit, and conservatives will never effectively defend themselves. And so whatever Democrats decide to tell Americans about who conservatives are will stick. For example, Democrats made it a strategy in 2015 to brand all conservatives as white supremacists to dehumanize them and help justify their cancellation from society. The other half of the marketing plan didn’t really develop until midway through President Trump’s term, and that was to not only…
There are no moderates
There are conservatives, and there are leftists. Most conservatives vote, in vain, for Republicans. Some vote for Democrats because they figure they’re not racist or homophobic, so they must not be Republicans. They’re less informed, but live their live as a conservative (unbeknownst to themselves). Leftists all vote, in lock step, for the Democrat candidate. Some believe in America, but the rest are trying to fundamentally change the country. There are no moderates. There’s just voters who’ve opted out or aren’t paying attention. These are the people who believe politicians are corrupt, the system is rigged, their vote doesn’t…
Conservatives and the anti-mean movement
The entire anti-racist movement sweeping leftist and academic circles (but I repeat myself) is, ironically, racist. It makes everything about the color of one’s skin. It assumes issues of race are one-size-fits-all, and that everyone who shares the same physical characteristic is, in all other ways, also the same. In truth, even the black community is not aligned on what racism is, how much there is, and what the solutions are. In the face of this onslaught, conservatives will predictably try and defend themselves, trying to convince their accusers that they’re not racist. Of course, the more they protest,…
Conservative activism exercise: anti-racism in public schools
A reader just sent me this email regarding teaching the Black Lives Matter curriculum from the Principal of his children’s high school: Shorecrest High School in Seattle, WA. This is from a weekly newsletter she sends to parents. (Some paragraphs were removed for the sake of brevity, but nothing that changes the context.) “Dear Shorecrest Students and Families, Over the past three weeks, as a school, we have engaged in conversations about the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6 and its racist elements. We have listened to Lebron James’ authentic perspective on those events at the Capitol as…
The case for ageism
I can’t help but notice that one thing most of our prominent political leadership have in common is their seniority. Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, Anthony Fauci, and Chuck Schumer are all 70 or older. With the exception of President Trump, it has also been years, if ever, that these leaders were in the field, on the job, close to the private sector, or even close to their areas of expertise. (This just adds to the Baby Boomer reputation of not letting go and making way for the next generation of leaders.) Industries and technology evolve…
Speed the spread
It’s time to stop following the science and start applying the science. A virus is a constant. We don’t have any effective way to kill it or eradicate it. We can only boost one’s immunity by using a vaccine to help promote the creation of antibodies. No one likes the COVID/flu comparisons, but like the flu vaccine, the COVID vaccine isn’t going to make it go away. COVID is here to stay. It’ll continue to evolve and mutate, and our bodies will continue to build immunities and adjust. It may wane over time, or it may strengthen to the…