March 2021

The path to dependency

It’s not secret the Democrat Party would us all to be dependent on the government. That may seem like hyperbole, but isn’t that what universal income is all about? Isn’t that why they insist on expanding the government at the expense of private sector business? Isn’t that why they work to remove God from society? Isn’t that why they expand welfare? Isn’t that why they seek to cause all the problems they do? COVID was a blessing for the Democrats because it fast-forwarded most of their efforts toward building a dependent citizenry who could only continue to vote for…

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Failure to comply

Is it me, or is “failure to comply” simply a phrase no one from the US government should ever utter…? I was in the airport and an pre-recorded announcement told me I had to wear my mask. “Failure to comply” would be met with really bad things that only a large, arrogant, and bloated government could do to someone. In the United States, where the government works for the people, it seems like “failure to comply” is a phrase best left off the messaging.

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Why don’t people film when someone is nice to a black person

It seems like we can’t go a few weeks without someone using their phone to film some out of context horrible thing happening to a black person. People see the video and the outrage starts again. The premise is that this is news. When something is news, it’s unusual. We don’t watch the news to see what normal routine things happened that day. We turn to watch outstanding events. One of the narratives about black people is that police are out there shooting innocent black men every day, just for being black. It is through that lens that we’re…

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There’s no such thing as federal money

For some, this is a reminder. For others, this may be a revelation. The only money government has is our money. We are coerced into giving it to them. If they decide they want more of our money, they take it. If they want to make commitments that tie up our money in perpetuity, like the current debt, they do it. Then they spend our money on whatever they decide. They don’t seek our permission (though one might argue our vote is our permission). Most of us don’t pay enough attention to how our money is getting spent. We…

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Trump, Biden, and the vaccine

When Donald Trump was President, he essentially removed the bureaucracy of the FDA out of the way (which is another way of saying, “moved heaven and earth,”) to make it possible to get not one, but multiple COVID vaccines on the market. Regardless of whatever credit Joe Biden claims, the fact is he received one of those very same vaccinations while Donald Trump was President. Trump supporters are very quick to spy when someone is giving Joe Biden credit and make sure Trump receives his due for everything he did to make it possible. Now that the vaccines are…

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Nation of consumers

A few weeks ago, I was stuck in an airport. Usually, I love airports. It’s great people watching. I love to travel. And every airport experience is unique. But ever since airports became a government indoctrination center where I’m forced to watch CNN, no matter where I turn, I’ve come to think of it as “stuck.” On this given day, CNN was running one of their historical specials in which they interview their cadre of historians and talk about major events with film footage from the time. They were focused on the late 1940s and 1950s, and they kept…

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Censorship arrives nextdoor is a service that basically acts like Facebook for your community. While Facebook is focused on connecting you with friends and acquaintances and people driven by collecting “friends,” Nextdoor is driven by connecting you by neighborhood. On Nextdoor, you don’t connect to others to start a network. Instead, you can post things of interest to the finite area that is your neighborhood. You can ask them questions about local road construction or stores. You can report suspicious activity (a Nextdoor staple) or alert people to events or other activities. You can also sell things or ask for local…

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Mutually assured destruction

Historically speaking, mutually assured destruction seemingly works every time its tried. When two enemies both wield enough power to destroy the other, both will tend to stand down and attempt to coexist because they figure living with them is better than no one living at all. The Founding Fathers knew this when they wrote the Second Amendment. They knew that if citizens had guns, the government would be very hesitant to impose any sort of real tyranny. They knew that armed, citizens would have the ability to resist tyranny and restore the Republic, should they deem it necessary. Of…

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Inspiration conference

Whether through public schools, popular culture, social media memes, or even the news, our children are constantly told they it can’t be done. Every time they turn around, someone is telling them they’re victims. They’re being oppressed. There are people who want to keep them down. They can’t do it without someone’s help. (Or they can’t do it at all.) Our politicians continue to tell our children how horrible America is. How horrible we are. That someone is always being attacked, insulted, or held down. Of course, those who tell us how horrible everything is and how unfairly so…

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