In a long overdue victory for regular Americans, Joe Biden today hired his administration’s first seemingly normal person to be the White House’s Secretary of Mediocrity. Pat Morgenthal, the new Secretary, underscores Joe Biden’s pledge for unity and creating an administration that represents all of America. Biden acknowledged that normal people were the only ones left not represented by his administration. Like Pete Buttigieg, who was hired because he’s gay; Rachel Levine, who was hired because he’s trans; Sam Britton, who was hired because he’s an eggheaded freak show; Robert Fenton, who was hired to represent the Satin-worshipping segment…
It’s time for stealth candidates
Back in the days of the Revolutionary War, soldiers used to line up across from each other to shoot. Now, we barely even have uniforms as enemies disguise themselves in each other’s uniforms or simply dress as civilians. There’s no shortage of fraud and deceit in the world today, and war is simply no exception. If you believe America is at war, you may justify a similar view to the way we’re fighting it. Corrupt, globalist politicians have opened our borders, killed small business, and vilified middle class, red-state Americans. More specifically, our law enforcement agencies and departments are…