As the saying goes, give a man a fish and he can eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime. The point is not a new one: teach someone to do for themselves, and with hard work and perseverance, they can make something of themselves. Hard work doesn’t always produce riches. Life is not fair, and you can be the most moral and well-intentioned, hardest worker in the country and you might still make minimum wage. But I don’t think you work hard just so you can be rich. To me,…
People are selfish. But, being selfish, and aware of one’s own selfishness, is the key to a thriving society. When on an airplane, they tell you that if the oxygen masks come down, always put your own on before you help the person next to you. This is a great metaphor for life. Before we can be at all helpful or useful to others, we have to have our own house in order. People need to be grounded, satisfied with who they are and what they’re doing with their life before they can start helping others. People love to…
Decapitations happen
Everybody makes mistakes, right? As I often tell people at work, I don’t mind mistakes. I just ask the people learn from them and don’t make the same mistake twice. So when this Syrian group of Islamist rebels, Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (or ISIS), who are linked to al-Queda, mistakenly cut the head off of the wrong infidel, at least they had the good sense to apologize. “Sorry…” Man, I wouldn’t want to be the guy that had to answer for that one. Talk about an administrative error. And I don’t think al-Queda management is as for…
Happy anniversary, the Bubbler
Today is the one year anniversary of The Bubbler. I have to admit, it started off with great ambition, and lasted more than three months as an experiment. Then life got in the way, the Bubbler wasn’t going the way it was intended, and suddenly, it was abandoned for other things. But I’ve recently had some revelations, and I now see that I was a year ahead of its time. I now know where the Bubbler fits in to the great solution. So stay tuned. We’re not dead, yet, and the Bubbler will have its place. Until there, happy…