It seems like we can’t go a few weeks without someone using their phone to film some out of context horrible thing happening to a black person. People see the video and the outrage starts again.
The premise is that this is news. When something is news, it’s unusual. We don’t watch the news to see what normal routine things happened that day. We turn to watch outstanding events.
One of the narratives about black people is that police are out there shooting innocent black men every day, just for being black. It is through that lens that we’re told to watch these phone videos.
But if there’s so much racism and hate against black people, it seems the most newsworthy event would be when someone is nice to them.
I just hired a black woman. I didn’t hire her because she was black. Quite frankly, I hired her because she had undertaken some very unusual and exceedingly difficult tasks that assured me she was ready for anything. Had it not been for BLM, I probably wouldn’t have taken much notice of her skin color, and I certainly wouldn’t have thought to write about it.
The day I hired her, I suspect thousands of black people received job offers that same day. (Although, that was more likely to be true during the Trump administration.)
Why didn’t anyone pull out there phone and film me hiring this woman. If black people are so oppressed, wouldn’t this act of hiring fit the very definition of a news event that gets journalists all excited to cover a story?
Or is it, perhaps, that being nice to black people and treating them just like people is, by far, the more normal event? And by definition, a “normal” event simply isn’t news.
If we don’t start acknowledging how much normal, every day, colorblind kindness happens in this country, we’re going to be wholly responsible for needlessly tearing apart our own society in the name of fairness, diversity, and equity.
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