According to some lazy (read: Wikipedia) research, the word “cisgender” originated from some research work done in 1991 about transsexuals. One definition from the Dictionary from Oxford Languages states “cisgender” means “denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex.”
In other words, “normal.”
I know the word “normal” upsets a lot of people. To many people, the suggestion that something, or someone, is “normal,” is to say those who don’t fit the description are horrible, vile freaks who should be hunted down, tormented, or killed for whatever it is that makes them “unusual” or “abnormal.”
These mental leaps happen in fractions of seconds – the speed of thought – and before you know it, assumptions are made, accusations are hurled, and anyone using the word “normal” is evil.
But consider the definition of the word “normal”: “conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.” Most things in our world are normal. You will get a straw with your drink. You turn the key and your car will start. Drivers will not intentionally veer into the side of your car.
The list is infinite, but it includes, one who is born a boy is a boy because of their physical attributes, and one who is born a girl is a girl because of their physical attributes. It is, as Democrats like to tell us, settled science. The debate is over! Those who don’t believe this are gender-deniers!
Therefore, those who are born boys or girls who don’t question this reality are, dare I say, normal. Those who don’t are a small minority of people. And since it is a reality that they are born with the physical attributes that make them a boy or girl, to deny this is to deny reality.
So isn’t it then fair to say to deny reality is, potentially, a mental illness? Again, like the word “normal,” to suggest someone has a “mental illness” is to suggest they be tortured, marginalized, and made fun of, with impunity. But that’s not how people mean it. It’s just stating a fact. That person is having a mental issue they are trying to cure, sort out, reconcile, deal with, remedy, or address.
If you’re a “normal” person, you will find it in your heart to have compassion for someone with any illness, mental or otherwise. It shouldn’t be your inclination to malign or dismiss them. You should try and help them. But that doesn’t mean you should help them deny reality.
All this is to say that I think we can do away with the word “cisgender.” That word exists to try and normalize transgenderism, which doesn’t help those who can’t reconcile their own gender or sex. It only furthers the pain and confusion.
Acknowledging transgenderism is essential because it is a real thing. But normalizing it is only to encourage people who may not actually have that mental issue to explore it, which just invites more people into the problem. This is why promoting it, even if the goal is just to show those who experience this that we care, can have dangerous outcomes. It may start attracting people who don’t legitimately have this confusion to try it out.
Unfortunately, that’s where we find ourselves. Like most everything else, leftists have weaponized transgenders and actively work to brand anyone who questions it a small-minded and evil bigot.
But, I digress… Back to the study.
The study found that “only 1.8% of straight women and 3.3% of straight men chose a trans person of either binary gender…” as someone they would consider as an option to date. In other words, around 98% of heterosexuals wouldn’t date a transgender.
The study uses words like “discrimination” to describe those who wouldn’t consider dating a transsexual. I would describe it differently:
98% of heterosexuals don’t want to date someone with a mental illness. (And I think I can speak for both men and women in that pool when I suggest that, when dating a person of the opposite sex, you’re already wading dangerously deep into the mental illness pool without adding gender identity issues to the mix…)
And just to get ahead of it, no, I don’t hate transgender people. I’m not trying to make them, or anyone, feel bad. But I’m trying to inject some sanity, and dare I say, “science,” into the conversation.
I don’t treat anyone poorly, and certainly not because of anyone’s physical characteristics or ideas. But I’m afraid I can’t, in good faith, call someone a “he” when she is clearly a “she.”
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