December 2020

The consequence of no consequence

For the past year, we’ve watched vandals, rioters, looters, and “protestors” destroy cities across America – for more than 100 straight days in Portland and occupying land in Seattle. We learned of Hunter Biden’s laptop full of drugs, prostitution, and selling out the country to the highest bidder, enriching the entire Biden family. Eric Swalwell was compromised by a Chinese spy he was sleeping with, but he will retain his seat on the House Intelligence Committee. For years Hillary Clinton, through her foundation, took money from foreign governments around the world in exchange for influence and favors. We also…

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Suburu: official car of the left

I just watched a guy driving a Suburu five mph under the speed limit, alone in his car but wearing a mask, pull up to a light with two lanes. In the left side there were more than 10 cars. In the right lane, there were no cars. Naturally, he pulled into the left side (no, he was not turning left). This pretty much sums up everything I know about people who support socialism.

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What people aren’t considering about secession

There’s been a fair amount of talk about secession in the United States. It’s hardly a new idea. It was, of course, a foundational element of our first Civil War. And people have discussed it, whimsically or seriously, ever since. The clamor is rising again as it’s clear there’s little left in common between the right and the left. It used to be we all agreed we wanted the best for the U.S., it was just a matter of how best to achieve it. Now, it’s clear leftists want to tear down the country, as founded, and replace it…

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The worst thing about COVID

Aside from the lockdowns, mask mandates, social distancing, alcoholism, drug use, anxiety, starving families, destroyed businesses, stress, anxiety, increased screen time, rise in obesity, government leader hypocrisy, contradicting strategies, stress, rise in suicides, further societal division, inability to learn from empirical evidence, misleading and biased reporting, fear mongering, Dr. Fauci’s media whoring, constant effort to blame President Trump, crippled industries, bogus statistics, lack of common sense, fear, panic, paranoia, missing courage, sheep-like behavior, closed music venues, empty sports stadiums, sedentary children, video conferencing, isolation, depression, vulnerable children, kids not in school with their peers and teachers, lack of vacation,…

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Sinister or stupid?

Those appear to be our choices. As critical thinking people try and figure out why we are acquiescing to so much madness and why so many people are willing to be thoughtless sheep – never questioning the absurd contradictions that surround us – we’re left to consider the motives of our “experts” and decision-makers. Could people who raise taxes really be expecting a growth economy? Or are they motivated by something else? (Say, a larger government with more highly paid and equally highly useless bureaucrats…) Do government leaders who have shut down their states really believe people without incomes,…

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Anyone want to solve the news media problem?

It’s not hard to find stories in conservative media about news or media bias. Since it happens by the minute across United States mainstream media, you could chronicle the abuses all day and have job security forever. Our unified propaganda media is arguably the largest and most important problem facing this country. Without a news media interested in keeping citizens properly informed, motivated government officials can pretty much get away with or do whatever they want with the media blocking for them. My question: why isn’t anyone trying to solve it? It’s one thing to point out media bias,…

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The pressure of control

Leftists get into trouble because of their desire for control. When someone is always telling everyone else what to do and how to live, that person’s going to be under intense, microscopic scrutiny to follow the demands they’re making of everyone else. And well, they should be. Of course people would start calculating the energy consumption of Al Gore’s mansion after he’s spent so much time talking about “the inconvenient truth.” I remember in the 90s when someone went out of their way to find out and publicize that the tables at some conference he was publicizing came from…

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Keyboard warriors

It seems like most people can agree America is a pretty divided nation right now. It’s not that we have some disagreements. We’ve always had those. Sure, the nature of the disagreements have escalated a bit. It seems like we’ve gone from how best to manage America within the boundaries of capitalism to whether America is great or should be abandoned for a more government-controlled approach. It’s a significant divide, to be sure, and a very deep and rich debate we should have as a nation. But that’s the problem. It’s not the debate, but the fact that we…

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Racism is so stupid

So let me get this straight, some black people shame other black people who are successful because they’re following the rules and conventions of a society designed and established by white people. They call them “house negroes,” “uncle tom’s,” or “whitewashed.” This is so short-sighted, self-defeating, and stupid, I’m not sure why more people haven’t spoken out against it. The systemic racism that people claim exists in this country is squarely the stigma leftists have created against black people being successful within the capitalist confines of the United States. What they’re not understanding is that it’s that capitalist system…

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Conservatives appreciate contributions

One of the defining differences between conservatives and leftists is the appreciation of people’s contributions versus simply judging the people. In a conservative America, if a doctor discovered a definitive cure for cancer, and then was later found to have raped someone, people would acknowledge and employ the cure, but make sure that doctor faced the consequences for the rape. Conservatives innately understand that humans are flawed, capable of terrible things, or simply make mistakes. They’re more forgiving and able to compartmentalize when someone says or does something that contributes versus when someone says or does something inappropriate or…

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