ruben von higgenbotham

Let me help some of you with the Dobbs abortion decision

If the Supreme Court wanted to tell women what to do with their bodies, they’d mandate they stop having unprotected sex before marriage. They wouldn’t wait until they needed an abortion to tell them they can’t have one. Or, another option: The Supreme Court isn’t interested in telling women what they can and can’t do at all. They may just be ruling based on the Constitution.

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It’s about election security

The 2020 presidential election is over. Many believe it was stolen. I agree, though not in the ways many are saying, as I’ve written before. But it’s over. It’s not going to be reversed, and there are probably very few people who might change their opinion on it, no matter what they hear or what proof they’re offered. Certainly, we should learn from what happened to ensure it can’t be repeated, but that brings me to the point: Conservatives should be talking about future election security, not past potential election compromise. If everyone is interested in fairness and allowing…

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Democrats: Sinister or Stupid?

The GOP, and conservatives, in general, continue to prove they need a lot of marketing help. Here’s the most important solution, and it must be implemented now: Brand the Democrats with this simple choice: Sinister or Stupid? It’s a question everyone can identify with, and it’s universally always a good question to ask about anything a Democrat says or does. Gas and oil prices are skyrocketing. What would you do? Democrats would stop drilling for oil in our own country. Are they sinister or stupid? Racial tension is a real problem. What would you do? Democrats would teach and…

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How to build a thriving city – 2022

I recently hopped in my car and drove from Seattle to Boise, Salt Lake City, Santa Fe, Flagstaff, Vegas, Bakersfield, then San Francisco, and back to Seattle. Coming from Seattle, a city that is clearly thriving in nearly every way, I started to notice little similarities in some of these other cities. Boise had a small tent city near the Capitol. Salt Lake City had obviously consolidated it’s roadways for bike lanes. And on it went. I was also recently in Milwaukee, and noticed this same trend. It was starting to adopt some of the ideas that made Seattle…

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The left’s secret sauce

The public’s short memories are the secret sauce of the Democrat agenda. Without our short memories, Democrats wouldn’t be able to do all the ridiculous and outrageous things they do when there aren’t any looming elections. They wouldn’t be able to claim the 2016 election was stolen and then censor anyone who says the 2020 election was stolen just four years later. They wouldn’t be able to blanket the news with ex-CIA leaders telling stories about how Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation” before the 2020 election and then have indictments on the way not even two years later….

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Democrat shovel-ready jobs

It’s not unusual for politicians, particularly Democrats, to use the phrase “shovel-ready jobs” when discussing government job programs. When people hear this, they usually think construction or infrastructure work. But Democrats mean something else. In 2022, “shovel-ready jobs,” mean race-hustlers, sex-obsessed teachers, and diversity and inclusion consultants. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a diversity and inclusion professional or search job listings without finding businesses all over American who need to build up their d&i team. They’re shovel-ready because every Democrat stimulus or spending package always include money set aside to contract with these people to teach…

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Boomer control

Is anyone surprised that the Baby Boomer generation will cling to their control, and their desire to control others, until their very last breath? Control of everything and everyone is what they’ve sought their entire lives. Why would they suddenly stop? Their inability to retire, take a vacation, and leave it to the next generation is utterly predictable, once you figure out that everything they’ve tried to do in society has been about planning and controlling the masses while they look down on it all from their ivory towers. Boomers are the only generation in our nation’s history that…

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Just what do liberals think blacks can do on their own?

What are liberals saying about black people when they say (not in so many words) that they couldn’t possibly be conservative? Or if they are conservative, it’s because they’re being used or duped, and it couldn’t possibly be because they concluded on their own that the philosophy aligns with their own? Aren’t they really saying that their skin color determines their ideology and personal philosophy? Aren’t they really saying that black conservatives are an affront to “normal” blacks? Isn’t it kind of like saying that black conservatives are almost genetic mistakes? Isn’t the presumption that political philosophy isn’t determined…

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The one way leftists take responsibility

Masks are the new bumper stickers. Just like liberals love to adorn their vehicles with Obama, Hillary, or Biden bumper stickers, or stickers with their favorite thoughtless slogans, now they love to self-identify by wearing masks when all around them have left them behind. I went to two grocery stores in the last two days, and even with the mask mandates lifted in Seattle (finally!), the stores were still full of people wearing their masks. Liberals don’t take responsibility for much, but at least they will reliably self-identify when it’s time to figure out who’s fault it is.

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