
If you want something, ask for it

It sounds so simple. If you want something, ask for it. But so often, it never occurs to people. Or they’re afraid to ask. I learned this lesson just out of college. I was working at a company with an amazing manager. One day, I arrived at work telling her about a movie poster I saw at a bus stop on the way in to work that I really wanted. Her response? “Well, call and ask for a copy.” “Call who?” “The movie studio. Who’s the studio?” “Disney. I can’t call Disney. Who would I even talk to? They’d…

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Hire outside your industry

Earlier in my career, I was working as a manager in a declining industry, and I developed an informal rule of not hiring anyone from within my organization. Our industry was already facing some challenges for the Internet changed the nature of our business. Our only chance was to change the way we did business. It was a time for new ideas, and I didn’t think I was ever going to find the combination of talent and fresh perspective it was going to take to make the kind of difference I thought needed to be made. So I decided…

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Solving the evolution/creation debate

Evolution theorists will tell you that science says Charles Darwin ideas are proven and exactly correct. Creationists will tell you that God created the earth in six days, and Adam and Eve were the first people. Evolution theorists say Creationists (and Christians, in general) are anti-science. Creationists claim evolution theorists don’t believe in the existence of God. People… people… Why don’t we just accept that God created evolution. Now we all get to be right.

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Flaunt the imperfection

Many seek to delegitimize our system of government and the Constitution by obsessing over the flaws of the Founding Fathers. Christopher Columbus didn’t really discover America. Thomas Jefferson had an affair with one of his slaves. George Washington was a slaveowner. Andrew Jackson persecuted Indians. And on, and on… The interesting thing is that one of the core premises upon which our Constitution, written by the Founding Fathers, was based is the idea that men are not angels. All people are able to be corrupted, act selfishly, or simply make mistakes born out of greed or poor judgment. The…

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Who doesn’t want to solve traffic problems?

Complaining about traffic is a national pastime. Especially during construction season (otherwise known as “Summer”) or for if you live in a high-density urban area. There are engineers who study the situation and try and create band-aid solutions which usually just create different versions of the same problem. Here’s a different approach: Driving is not a right, so let’s put people through some rigorous testing before we give them a license. There are a lot of drivers out there who’s inabilities are causing many of the messes. Why not just screen more aggressively and really make sure they’re up…

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You say you want a revolution

This weekend, I came across yet another article from a wealthy woman in the tech field complaining about being a woman in tech. In this case, it was mutli-millionaire Amy Bohutinsky, COO of Zillow, talking about how different women with kids are treated compared to men with kids. All with the normal Harvard research studies to back it up. LinkedIn is becoming a parade of wealthy or otherwise successful women in tech complaining about how mistreated women in tech are. Sure they are. No doubt. I’m not doubting the bias. But there are at least 100 other biases also…

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Why are the stars always so far away?

So, I was sitting there pondering why, no matter how far our telescopes travel, stars are always so far away in the distance. It doesn’t appear that we’re every really getting noticeably closer. Similarly, in space movies, the stars are always off in the distance. In pondering this, I learned that we landed on the moon not once… not twice… but six times. Who knew? How do we have all these “never landed on the moon” conspiracy theorists when we not only did it once, but six times in total. Huh… a thing like that. (Incidentally, the best answer…

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Sharing is caring

Hi. As of today, we’re two months into this experiment that is the Bubbler. My goal was to share what I was thinking with you, and hope that instead of rejecting the ideas because of some trigger or word cue you may have seen, you would stop and consider the idea, discuss it with friends, and see if there’s anything to it. As the website says: I don’t want to tell you what to think. I’m just asking you to think. Thank you all for sticking with it this long. I hope you’re finding something interesting or enjoyable in…

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Forget the excuses

Forget white privilege. Nevermind racism, sexism, and bigotry. There’s no such thing as homophobia, and I’ve never seen ageism. I’ve no interest in #metoo, and all lives matter. All of it is nonsense. It’s noise. Excuses. Life is so easy when we group people together and make up reasons why entire swaths of society just can’t seem to get ahead. Blacks can’t get a fair shake. Women don’t stand a chance. Gays are in hiding. It’s getting so even white males aren’t safe anymore. Just stop already. I reject all of it. It’s just you. And whatever it is…

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