
This site is full of ideas. Some of them might make you cringe. They may not align with your worldview, perspectives, or experiences. That’s a great thing.

It matters because it doesn’t matter

The Human Torch is a member of Marvel’s Fantastic Four. The Fantastic Four sometimes referred to as Marvel’s “first family” because Johnny Storm (the Human Torch) is the brother of Sue Storm (the Invisible Woman), and they were one of the first modern era heroes in the Marvel Universe. Johnny Storm is, and has always been, a white character. In the last failed attempt to make a Fantastic Four movie, before Marvel reclaimed the film rights, black actor, Michael B. Jordan, was cast as Johnny Storm. Many long-time Marvel fans were angry about this and were consequently labeled as…

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What if we’ve overcorrected?

According to organizations like Black Lives Matter and it’s supporters, this country is rife with systemic racism, including a police force that hunts and kills innocent black men and women, an election system that prevents blacks from voting, and a social undercurrent of distrust for black people on the street. If this is true, then by gosh, we need to solve it immediately. That means we can’t wait for nature to take its course. We can’t wait for racists to die away. We can’t let the empirical evidence of more and more blacks working, owning homes, owning businesses, and…

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The path to dependency

It’s not secret the Democrat Party would us all to be dependent on the government. That may seem like hyperbole, but isn’t that what universal income is all about? Isn’t that why they insist on expanding the government at the expense of private sector business? Isn’t that why they work to remove God from society? Isn’t that why they expand welfare? Isn’t that why they seek to cause all the problems they do? COVID was a blessing for the Democrats because it fast-forwarded most of their efforts toward building a dependent citizenry who could only continue to vote for…

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Failure to comply

Is it me, or is “failure to comply” simply a phrase no one from the US government should ever utter…? I was in the airport and an pre-recorded announcement told me I had to wear my mask. “Failure to comply” would be met with really bad things that only a large, arrogant, and bloated government could do to someone. In the United States, where the government works for the people, it seems like “failure to comply” is a phrase best left off the messaging.

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Love makes you say some harsh things

One of the harsh truths of life is that you say the harshest things to the ones you love the most. The equation is a simple one: You care the most about what they think. Of all the people you know, you care most about what those you love think about you and about things, in general. Consider how often those closest to you vent about people they know at work or casual friends. They rage on with plenty of thoughts and suggestions about what frustrates them or what could be done better. But how often do they share…

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Working as a dream extra

Last night, I had a dream in which I was sitting in the waiting room for a staffing agency that places people as extras in other people’s dreams. When you’re experiencing a dream, and there are people – extras – in your dream who aren’t the focal point of your story but still visually critical, someone has to staff those roles. This agency placed people to play those back up roles in other people’s dreams. I’m confident there’s a solid business idea in there, though I’m not quite sure what it is right now.

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Sunday digest: 3-7-21

Thank you for sharing some of your valuable time to read The Bubbler. The Bubbler now contains more than 700 thought-provoking posts about conservatism. While there are hundreds of sites that report or comment on the news from a conservative perspective, this is the only place the explores who conservatives are, what they think, and why they think it. With so much great content that may have preceded your arrival, Sunday’s are going to feature past posts. This week, with the H.R.1 bill legalizing every single aspect of voting that enables voter fraud, I thought it best to address…

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Trust conservative consumers

What happened to American corporations that so many insist on bending a knee for vocal American leftists (if you can call someone an American leftist)? When did our companies become so scared of the politically correct? Whenever some leftist group makes noise about some cause or issue, America’s corporate marketing departments go running for their lives. Black Lives Matter, the admitted communist organization, has raised millions of dollars from American corporations. Pride parades across America have companies falling all over themselves trying to get the best sponsorships. Commercial services go out of their way to place as many black,…

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Sunday digest: 2-28-21

Thank you for giving us some of your valuable time to read The Bubbler. The Bubbler now contains 700 thought-provoking posts about conservatism. While there are hundreds of sites that report or comment on the news from a conservative perspective, this is the only place the explores who conservatives are, what they think, and why they think it. We also focus on marketing conservatism and how unfortunately bad conservatives are at doing that. We aim to help by inspiring new marketing ideas and themes that would resonate with a majority of Americans. With so much great content that may…

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