black lives matter

All lives matter = racism

Well, this was fairly easy to predict, and here we are. Suddenly, #asianlivesmatter is trending. So let’s recap: Black Lives Matter = good Asian Lives Matter = good Hispanic Lives Matter = good Muslim Lives Matter = good Greek Lives Matter = good Italian Lives Matter = good Indian Lives Matter = good Female Lives Matter = good Jewish Lives Matter = good (though, depends who you ask) All Lives Matter = racist I think there’s an actual math problem here. I wonder, through process of elimination, who’s lives don’t matter.

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What’s phase two for BLM?

I think it’s safe to say at this point that we’re well into phase one of the BLM movement. The first step was to get every business in town to fly the banner. Whether they believe the hype or just don’t want to be burned to the ground, businesses and neighborhoods have painted the letters B-L-M over their doorways in lamb’s blood in hopes that the mob will pass them by. Everyone feels all bad and self conscious about all of their interactions with anyone who’s not exactly like them. Tall people are making sure they don’t offend short…

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Trump, Palin, and Joe McCarthy

As I consider President Trump’s past four years and where we are in this election process, I can’t help but think about Sarah Palin and Joe McCarthy. In four years, Donald Trump has exposed everything the left is all about: the corruption, arrogance, deceit, lust for power, desire for control, move toward socialism, contempt for average Americans, disgust for liberty, lack of morality, and desire to destroy the meaningful institutions that define America. The left has been been referring to it as “divisive,” but what Trump’s rhetoric and actions have really been is “defining.” He has more clearly defined…

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Who would even think to say that any one group’s lives matter

Where did this idea of “black lives matter” or “all lives matter” begin? Who would even think to say it. One of the foundational elements of America is that life is precious. We have an entire Constitution devoted to the idea that each individual only gets one life and they should be free to pursue their dreams with as little restriction as possible (usually defined by when one’s pursuit interferes with another). Life is taken for granted in this country. It’s one of our bedrocks. Life is important and precious, and it’s a tragedy every time a life is…

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BLM vs blm

Black Lives Matter was an extremely clever name for the organization. People and companies all over American are rushing in to stand with, donate to, or fly the flag of Black Lives Matter. They want to show their solidarity with the idea, but in fact, they’re contributing to the organization. Who can’t get behind the idea that black lives matter? It, like “white lives matter” or “asian lives matter,” is simply a subset of “all lives matter.” When you say you root for the Seattle Mariners, you are inherently saying you like baseball. If you say you like “all”…

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