taking responsibility

Lessons from Mom

Today is Mother’s Day, and I can’t help but reflect on how valuable my own mother has been in shaping the person I am today. Growing old is fun and interesting in so many ways. One way is how the way you start seeing your parents changes. As you get older, you stop seeing them as parents, and start seeing them for the people they are, and the people they were. You start to wonder what they were really like when you were only seeing the “parent” side of them. You start to wonder how they would fit into…

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I’m sensing a trend…

Lately, I’ve noticed quite a few people causing a problem and then getting angry at those who reacted negatively to the problem they caused. In just the last week: I witnessed a woman in the street freak out and give the finger to a bus driver who chose to honk rather than run her down. Someone pulled out right in front of me while I was driving 40 on a 35mph road, and then gave me the finger when I went around them and looked at him. I was heading toward a stop light that was red with the…

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