looking to be offended

Mansplaining: redefining condescension

A woman I work with was recently complaining about all the “mansplaining” her boss does to her and other women. Apparently, they define “mansplaining” as when a man talks down to women, like they’re children, and over-explains something to them like they couldn’t figure it out on their own. My interpretation is, unsurprisingly, a bit different. I think she’s a woman looking for more supportive evidence to justify her stance that all men are sexist and arrogant. For “mansplaining” to be a real thing, it would have to be something that only men do. However, it’s just as easy…

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You don’t know the meaning of the word “offended”

I used to say I can’t be offended. When would try and choose their words with me, I would reassure them they couldn’t offend me. To be offended, to me, meant you were bothered by meaningless or careless words someone around you said. It was a sign of weakness. Thin skin. Then one day I looked it up. Turns out it means to feel upset, annoyed, or resentful. I guess I’m really offended all the time. And it’s usually because of all the people I see or read about who go out of their way to be offended by…

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