god is good

The plus side of cancel culture

Everything has an upside. That’s what we learn when we understand that God is good, things happen for a reason, and good comes from all things (even if it’s not immediately obvious what it is.) Consider cancel culture. There’s been plenty written about how Orwellian, horrible, inhuman, and unfair it is. It doesn’t allow for redemption, and creates an atmosphere of fear that prevents many from sharing their point of view. But consider the plus side. As with all things, there is some good in cancel culture. First, it should teach many a lesson that there is never an…

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Some of the good

Recently, I heard someone merging two ideas about God that I’d not heard intersect: the idea that God has a plan and God is good. The elaboration went on to suggest that everything happens for a reason, and no matter what those things are, something good always comes of it. It’s just a matter of finding it. This was in response to people who ask, how can there be a god if there’s war, famine, etc. The idea was that no matter what it is, even if it’s war or famine, that if you look for it, good comes…

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