Once again, I received another email from Facebook this week instructing me to “Let Maxwell House know you are thinking about him on his birthday today.”
And once again, I made sure to get up early enough to call my friend and wish him a happy birthday before Facebook sent me their crutch.
My friends are important to me, and so are their birthdays. Like people used to do with their friend’s phone numbers, I make an effort to remember my friend’s birthdays and wish them a happy birthday.
But Facebook has leveled the playing field. Now, instead of getting birthday wishes from people who took the time and effort to remember your birthday, Facebook helps all of your 500 closest friends wish you a happy birthday. Now you get notes from people who barely know you wishing you a happy birthday.
I don’t have my birthdate in Facebook. I’m not interested in people wishing me a happy birthday because they’re following the commands of an automated social media system. I like to make note of those who remembered it, and appreciate those who took the time to think of me.
Social media is not bringing us closer together. It’s automating interactions that used to be a sign of those who cared about you. If I contact you, it won’t be at the command of an automated system. Let’s bring our interactions back to human.
That’s what The Bubbler is all about.
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