One of the hallmarks of liberalism is groupthink.
You don’t hear much disagreement or dissension amongst liberals because they all read from the same script, get their instructions from the same playbook, and expect everyone else to do the same.
It is no secret the Democrats own the mainstream media, culture, and public schools. No matter where you turn in America, you can’t avoid the Democrat message of the day.
If they decide Trump said everyone must ingest disinfectants, there will be one press release written, and every news outlet, politician, and celebrity will echo it.
If a black man is unjustly gunned down, and Democrats decide this is proof that all conservatives are racist, there will be one press release written, and every news outlet, politician, and celebrity will echo it.
If an entire coup to destroy the President is exposed and Democrats need to go on offense to deflect it, there will be one press release written, and every news outlet, politician, and celebrity will echo it.
Whatever the marching orders, no matter the message, Democrats never break rank. One can debate whether it’s simply discipline, groupthink, or a combination of the two, but you can look back on the way Democrats all speak the same language in the news, how they all vote unanimously on high profile bills, and how they aren’t ever seen arguing amongst each other.
Conservatives don’t have this luxury because there are simply too many independent thinkers among them. Conservatives are empathetic, and they tend to see topics and events as dynamic, with multiple perspectives.
And because conservatives hold independence in such high regard, they’re not shy about their dissenting or alternative points of view. In fact, they tend to wear them as badges.
This makes is much more difficult to for conservatives to stay, or appear, unified. Even though their foundational beliefs and principles are probably aligned.
Meanwhile, when Democrats speak to Americans, the message is simple, consistent, and repetitive. No matter who is speaking, what channel they’re on, or what the source: if it’s liberal, it’s going to sound exactly the same. In marketing, message repetition, exposure, and consistency is critical.
But when people hear conservatives, which is often in the context of Democrats presenting and interpreting what conservatives said, the messages seem to be fragmented, inconsistent, and disparate.
Whether it’s discipline or groupthink, the Democrats are the superior marketers (with the inferior product). When it comes to marketing, the lockstep consistency that results from groupthink is an absolute boon.
Once again, one of the greatest strengths of freedom – independent thinking – is killing conservative’s ability to tell their story in a meaningful way to Americans.
And when Americans are only loosely paying attention, the consistent message will always be the one that gets through.
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