When Kelly Conway first uttered the phrase “fake news,” it was quickly ridiculed by Democrats across the country. When President Trump adopted it, it became a punchline to any conservative claims, facts, or observations that didn’t fly with mainstream media coverage.
Democrats, as they do so well, effectively turned it into a punchline that often made the person who said it in seriously out to be a nutjob conspiracy theorist.
But they also went one better. They improved on it.
The Democrats came up with “misinformation,” which sounds far more serious and sophisticated. While “fake news” is the utterance of an unstable white supremacist, “misinformation” is what a thoughtful and deeply concerned reasonable citizen would say about all of the information swirling around in right-wing circles that are misleading the gullible red state citizens of this country.
And because they’ve given it some weight and credibility, the leftist allies in social media and mainstream media use it as a warning label – much like a movie rating – to let people know that what they’re hearing or reading may be misinformation.
Like any good propaganda machine, they’ve chosen a very effective and useful word. It has credibility, and it sounds like something we should be protected from for the sake of our republic.
But, like “let me be clear,” it’s really just another Democrat tell. As soon as something is labeled as “misinformation,” you can pretty much take it to the bank that it’s absolutely true and something you’re not supposed to know.
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