We’re often told that one of the United States’ strengths is its diversity. Some will make the assertion that this country was founded on diversity.
The funny thing is that the people who originally migrated to North America to establish the United States share critical traits, to this day, with most everyone who still comes legitimately to this country – the desire to realize their potential and make a life for themselves without intervention from the government.
Let me stress again, they came here because they had one trait in common. People didn’t, and don’t, primarily come here seeking a diverse mix of people. They come here seeking freedom to be who they are, pursue their own happiness and realize the “American Dream.”
They come here because of their fear and cynicism toward their own government. They come to the United States because of our foundational belief of limited government. (Although unfortunately, with growing frequency, many come for our welfare.)
Those who tell us diversity is our strength are usually speaking code for affirmative action and multiculturalism. Some are not satisfied with the existing American culture. They think it is focused on greed and materials goods.
Some don’t think blacks or women or other minority groups can make it without their help. To them, the American Dream cannot be realized without help from government. Some think we’re a nation of cultures and all should be celebrated – not realizing that all of these cultures are sub-cultures to an American culture of compassion and self-reliance.
Hearing and considering alternative ideas to your own is an important, if not critical, intellectual exercise. But that’s consideration of a diverse set of opinions. If you believe, like most conservatives do, that people aren’t defined by their appearance or skin color, but instead by their experiences, beliefs and their character, then you believe that diversity, as defined by color of skin, gender, etc., is unimportant.
Just sharing a classroom or workspace with people of different ethnicities is not going to make it a better experience. Sharing the classroom or workspace with quality and innovative individuals most certainly will. Alternately, sharing the classroom or workspace with undisciplined distractions who don’t want to be there – no matter their race, gender, or belief system – all in the name of diversity, will make it a far worse experience.
And none of the qualities on this list: quality, innovation, lack of discipline, and distraction is inherent in any one ethnicity.
Those who place emphasis on diversity often speak of tolerance and celebration of diversity. Unfortunately, conservatism is not often included in that celebration.
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